Meet the team – Trainee NDT Technician Alex
We’re shining the spotlight on the great people that make up our NDT team – whether they’re on-site supporting clients, or ensuring our operations run smoothly back at base.
First up, it’s great to chat to Alex De Sousa, who works as a Trainee NDT Technician with our Egremont Radiography team.

You were completely new to NDT Alex, what made you interested in it?
I think the main reason I was interested was the amount of opportunities a career in NDT can offer. NDT is vital in so many industries and offers globally recognised qualifications in a variety of different disciplines. Having spent the majority of my business degree learning in front of a computer screen due to Covid, I was eager to get involved in something hands-on, where I could learn new skills and acquire qualifications that I could put straight to use.
Additionally, several of my family members have backgrounds in NDT, which has helped them to launch successful careers in various fields. I’m looking to follow suit!
How have you been finding the role as you’re learning the trade?
Coming into a well-established NDT team with no experience was daunting but exciting also. Managing the role and my responsibilities whilst trying to absorb and learn as much about the field was certainly a challenge, but as I’ve progressed and begun to understand more everything now feels like it has clicked and fallen into place.
How have the team been helping you to further your NDT knowledge?
I’m very fortunate to be surrounded by a number of experienced industry professionals at Egremont, so just by observing how they conduct themselves and approach problems has helped me quickly develop a solid understanding of the industry.
What does a typical day involve for you?
My main responsibility is to make sure that the NDT Technicians have everything they need to carry out the work on any given day. I look after the exposure bay and the darkroom to ensure that as work is requested by the client, the Radiographers are able to carry out their duties to the best of their ability. For me that means keeping the workspace well stocked and organised, making sure that radiography equipment is ready and available for use and also organising paperwork, to ensure we remain compliant to legislation, act safely and professionally and provide the best service possible to our clients.
What’s been some of your career highlights so far?
A few months ago, I had the opportunity to go and sit my Level 1 radiography course in Basic Radiation Safety. It was an opportunity to test my knowledge and gain my first qualification in the field. I passed the course and have since been given more responsibilities at work because of it.
What are you most looking forward to achieving in the coming year?
In the next few months, I’ll have the opportunity to go and sit my Level 2 course in Radiography. It’s what I’ve been working towards since I started and will give me the opportunity to gain further responsibilities and become a Radiographer. I look forward to the opportunity to do so!
What would you say to someone considering a career in NDT?
A career in NDT is rich in experience and opportunities for career progression and growth, both personally and professionally. If you strive for a challenging profession where no one day is the same, NDT is that career!
NRL’s NDT Services business has an unparalleled track record having provided NDT services to the civil nuclear industry for 40 years. Specialists in Radiography and advanced ultrasonic inspection, we are renowned for our commitment to safety, innovation and quality.
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